SynergiesMOD + Torchlight 2 Essentials + patch -> problem 6. SynergiesMOD + Torchlight 2 Essentials + patch + Highloot -> problem 5.
While by no means technically impressive, this allows for up to 8 players to join your game, making the adventure that much less lonely, and that much more chaotic. Mod Launcher without mods -> -> multiplayer working 4. While this is almost not considered a mod, given that it’s released by the developers themselves, it’s one of the most important additions if you intend to play with some friends. While this won’t add any extra shaders to the game, the Retex pack sharpens and increases the fidelity of the textures rendered in the game, giving you a super crisp looking game without being too demanding on your GPU. While Torchlight 2 is by no means an ugly looking game, it could definitely use a bit of a graphical boost to get things going. These two mods add a ton of variation to both overland and dungeon levels, seamlessly integrating with the game and keeping up with the high quality level design you run into from the core game. While the core game features many procedurally generated dungeons and overland maps, you’ll find yourself running into the same patterned rooms every so often. These items drop for level 45 and 50 characters, so don’t expect to see them early on. This armory mod adds a ton of new weapon skins and recipes to the game, giving you a bit of an extra edge, without being completely overpowered and making you feel like a cheater. Easily the best tool to add to your arsenal to up your game. It increases the amount of encountered enemies at once, adds more enemy types, changes itemization around and even gives you the ability to respec your skillpoints at an incredibly affordable price. I have a family, I work, and when my kids go to bed, I generally try to mod, or spend some quality time with the misses.Synergies is easily the best possible mod you can get for any hack and slash game. The amount of time I spend making this mod is incalculable. I’ve had a lot of questions about where is my donation box. It’s something I truly love doing but I didn’t want to make the mod about payment at the start. I would even go so far as to look into a change of employment if I could go that route. Salan: To be honest, I would love to be paid for this work. Salan, as a modder and on your forums, we’ve noticed you’ve stayed away from donations may we ask why? Do you think Kickstarter might be a place to get funding for large mods if legal issues could be worked out with dev’s or even partnered with? I’m sure there are more hurdles though. Incgamers: Yeah the talent one can find out there and also develop can be amazing with the right game, freedom and tools. It has helped with a lot of things and he was very gracious at listening to my constant feedback while developing it and hopefully Chthon’s Rapid respec tool will become compatible at some point in the future for all these awesome new classes, that would be something the community itself would benefit from! I have used Sarkilas’s Enemy Modifier tool a lot though. Now I use the above mentioned converters, and notepad.

It slowed me down excessively and in the end I stopped using it. But I make sweeping changes across many files at the same time. For individual entries it was great, absolutely perfect almost. I tried using the community made Torchlight 2 editor, but I found as it was still a WIP my mod was to extensive to get good use out of it. The pak extractor by Jericho, the dat2txt, txt2dat by Clienslaw, A Raw2txt/Txt2Raw and ADM versions were all essential as well as the GUID generator. We all owe those initial innovators everything. Salan: Custom tools for developing? Well, there are a lot of community tools that are necessary and without which NO mods would be do able.